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A Moment with Pastor Miller

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MEMORIAL - A Communion Message of Love


Memorial - a ceremony (or monument) that honors a person who has died (Merriam Webster). The Memorial of the Lord's Last Supper is sacred.


"Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup." (I Corinthians 11:28). Coming to His Table and not remembering what He did, is wrong. "For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep." [die] (vs. 30)

Jesus commanded:  Come to His Table


The devil's job is to prove to us, we are not worthy to come. Question is, who is worthy?  If we wait until we decide and declare we are worthy, we would be lying to ourselves, must repent, and our taking the Communion would be questioned again. Satan wants to guilt us for what God has already forgiven us for. The devil knows when we are forgiven, the punishment for sin is gone.


If we ask Him, God can forgive anyone or anything, so, ask for it, and come to the Lord's Table. Staying away is wrong.


As you take the Communion, visualize the room, the eleven dedicated disciples - along with the betrayerJudas, and the table. Listen to Jesus answer questions they have not verbalized. Then, hear His soothing Voice bless the Bread and Cup while He explains the significance to His Death. Finally, hear Jesus' command to them; and to us today, "...This do, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." (verse 25). Do not stay away; love, honor, and obey Him instead.


Come, because He is worthy. Come, because He cares. Come, because He died.  And, most importantly, come, because He lives.



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