HAVING a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (II Timothy 3:5). We have been warned about the signs of the last days. People are “Lovers of their own selves, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of GOD”. We are a witness of these things.
Some church goers act like the church, talk like the church, and look like the church; but the truth is, the church is not in their hearts. Onlookers may be tricked or captivated, but GOD is not impressed nor fooled.
“Despisers of those that are good” hate the very elect of GOD. They are wolves in sheep's clothing- false prophets teaching a false doctrine. They do not teach TRUTH, and many deny HELL exists. They are “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of GOD.” Money, fame, and me first attitudes are priorities- not GOD. False doctrines include good people, or once saved, always saved leads to heaven. These wolves in sheep’s clothing are an outward appearance of a Christian, but do not have the faith or the POWER of GOD.
One day, JESUS hungered, and saw a tree; it had the form of a fruit tree, but it was barren. HE cursed it, and it died. A form of godliness is an empty religious experience; one may sit inside church, but the church is not sitting in them.
GOD is the POWER of godliness that holds and keeps us with HIM. GODLINESS gives us faith to repent. GODLINESS draws us closer to HIM. GODLINESS compels us to “Press toward the mark for the prize…of GOD in CHRIST…” (Phil 3:14). GODLINESS leads to holiness, and holiness leads to eternal life.