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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

To the Body of Christ

Those who so-called “prophesied” that the church doors would close could forever due to the coronavirus, did not see beyond themselves. They could not see GOD moving and strengthening us. They could not see our testimony of victory; the Church is still here! Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:16b) They did not know the laughter we would bring to one another either. They did not know, nor would they experience the strength we would gain from one another. They did not know the tears we would shed together. They did not know the pain that would bring us closer. They did not know we would stand tall in CHRIST and declare we would not be moved. They did not know the LORD prepared a table in the presence of our enemies. They did not know, or they forgot, everything would work for our good. They probably also forgot; we are the called.

All of this is because the Body of Christ - the Church, is and remains an act of GOD. HE conceived us; and we will always be committed to HIM. GOD has proven faithful to us time and again. We must give HIM the glory!

The Church is still here because GOD, through Christ, established us. We stand strong because we are together. We can’t fail, and those that said we would, were wrong.

Church, keep on keeping on.

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