It had not rained for three years. Now it was time. Elijah prayed; then, he patiently stood and waited on Mount Carmel looking for and expecting rain. He knew GOD heard his prayer and believed by faith the rain would come.
Sometimes we believe with a question; will GOD do it for me? Praying with disbelief hinders blessings. Elijah had the boldness to expect rain, without the evidence of rain.
(Heb 11:1)
Waiting can be dark and gloomy; but when we pray with faith, the latter rain will fall; in other words, the blessing will come.
To hear abundance, unhindered faith must be wrapped around our prayer, then arranged, and presented as a loving prayer by the HOLY GHOST, unto GOD. Given that, we cannot hear the abundance of blessings without faith. Ahab and the others heard nothing- but Elijah, by faith heard a distant rumble which encouraged him to hold on. It was the sound of rain. His faith in GOD’S ability saw rain before any rain fell.
Faith is being excited and grateful before we see what we have prayed for. Faith must be seen in our roughest times.
No rain three years; and when it does, GOD proves HE is the only Living GOD. HE proves nothing is too hard for HIM. HE proves there is none like HIM. HE proved HE is not bound to any law of nature HE set-up! HE proved HE will not be second to any man-made, non-moving, non-speaking, non-hearing, non-feeling, ignorant-of-life, powerless little god. HE will be glorified and no man or power on earth can rebuke HIM.
Thus, like Elijah, if your life lines-up with the WORD, be bold; look for a rain cloud in your midnight and get your rain gear ready. There is a cloud on the horizon, and I hear “the sound of the abundance of rain.” Your blessings are on the way.
Be encouraged.