When the SPIRIT of GOD enters our hearts, we automatically yearn to know HIM better. It is because we have experienced a soul-saving life altering event: GOD moved into our hearts, we were forgiven, HE justified us by faith, and HE sanctified us through HIS BLOOD. GOD chose us and set us on the Sanctification Highway which leads us to the expected end; that is, eternal life- in heaven. Dare say, the process completed long before the foundation of the world.
Before we accepted and became lovers of CHRIST and holiness, we were lovers of Satan and sin. We lived a life not pleasing to GOD; we were condemned to hell and did not care.
Nonetheless GOD is holy; therefore, holiness is right for us, holiness is necessary for us, and holiness is required of us. Hence, to meet the necessary requirements of holiness, we must maintain an unquenchable desire of the only ONE that can keep us holy. That is, the Holy ONE of Israel. And because HE is “…sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb (Psalms 19:10b), it is good to indulge ourselves in HIM! Many of us are spiritually dead; we hungered for the wrong things. But as we feast on the WORD, GOD fulfills HIS WORD, by feeding our hunger and filling our spirit with righteousness. Remember this because it is true, none but the righteous shall see GOD.
The hungrier and thirstier we are for righteousness, the closer we will be to GOD, and the more HE blesses us. Oddly, we spiritually starve to death without a hunger for righteousness.
The mind is in constant battle against GOD. Rebuke Satan. We must hide the Word in our hearts and feast upon GOD righteousness. Afterwards, our lives will never be the same.