PAUL asked them, “…have ye received the HOLY GHOST since ye believed… (Acts 19:2a)?”
The faith we used to be saved, the faith we depend upon for blessings, and the WORD we read to increase our faith, is the same faith we must use to receive the GIFT of the HOLY GHOST. Since you need the POWER of the HOLY GHOST, when you are saved, you must ask for this most precious GIFT.
Every effective worker in CHRIST has the HOLY GHOST.
The PRESENCE of the HOLY GHOST was with JESUS on earth. They came sick, maimed, and crippled; HE healed them. Five thousand, not counting the women and children were hungry; HE fed them all, with two fish and five barley loaves. HE cast pleading evil spirits into a herd of swine. HE calmed angry waves and harsh winds. At the centurion’s plea, HE sent the WORD to heal his servant. HE touched Jairus’ daughter to awaken her from death. Lazarus was dead for days; and HE raised him. JESUS lived on earth as Man; but HE used the power of HOLY GHOST to do the work of HIS FATHER. And there are also many other things which JESUS did, the which, if they should be written every one [of them], I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written (John 21:25). Every Christian needs the indwelling presence of the HOLY GHOST!
The POWER of HOLY GHOST is real. HE is as supreme today, as thousands of years ago. HE empowers, strengthens, and guides us in all manner of truths. Do not grieve HIM; living in HIM today and in sin tomorrow. HE will be as a dove and leave you where you are. We cannot serve two masters (Matt 6:24).
What about you; have you received the HOLY GHOST since you believed? Why wait? Ask HIM to fill you today; HE will.