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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

It's a Faith Walk

Paul made it clear, “We walk by faith, not by sight. For we live by faith, not by sight…we live by believing and not by seeing. (Corinthians 5:7.) We must walk by faith.

The ability to walk by faith requires firm faith, good attitude, and fellowship with CHRIST. Sinners cannot walk by spiritual faith. Spiritual faith is hidden by sin until we are saved.

Spiritual-healthy Christians cannot sit on faith; no, we walk slowly, deliberately, step-by-step “…Growing strong in spirit through [CHRIST]…” (Luke 2:40). Walking an easy or crooked path is not walking by faith. Nor is taking one or two steps and stopping. We “Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14) Why? Because we do

not want to fall or trip in the pressing. We must keep walking by faith.

Faith: We believe GOD by faith; faith is the foundation of this walk with HIM. GOD is a rewarder to them that diligently seek HIM. It takes faith to please GOD. Faith unlocks the door where our blessings are stored. Walking by faith is believing it before we see it. What we pray for can be received, if we walk by faith, and not by sight.

“Faith is a raised antenna, that contacts GOD, and it releases the blessings” (*Bishop W. E. Miller). Faith must meet GOD. It is natural to walk by eyesight: it is easier. That suggests, seeing is believing. Yet, walking by faith is the exact opposite.

Christians are given a seventh sense; it is spiritual sight or gut faith; it sees what cannot be seen physically and it will “Call those things that are not as though they are” (Rom. 4:17). Others walk by blurred sight; that is a faith that is, an every now and then faith. Check your faith walk and ask yourself, how am I walking? Then make any necessary adjustments.

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1 Comment

Aug 31, 2021

I love these profound words of wisdom! I also agree that it is a faith walk we must have and not a sight walk! We must trust God to lead and guide us in all areas of our lives, no matter what! Amen!

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