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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

How's Your Fishing Coming Along?

We must witness to the lost; those who do not know CHRIST. Without a doubt, to be effective

We cannot think higher of ourselves; GOD must be seen working through us. Remember, we are not perfect- we are sinners saved by the grace that we are witnesses of. We work for CHRIST; we offer HIM with love and kindness and then walk away. HE will complete the work today or tomorrow. We will be successful, and souls can be saved because “The LORD your GOD is with [us] you” (I Chron. 22:18).

Great is the mystery of godliness” (1 Timothy 3:16a). We do not grace, faith, repentance, or salvation.

We cannot see a sinful heart, wash it clean in the BLOOD of JESUS, and then create a right spirit within anyone. We cannot see faith, nor do we have the power and authority to say, “…thy sins be forgiven” (Mark 2:25). The POWER of GOD belongs to GOD, and we need HIM with us to reach the world.

GOD was with David when he stored materials for the Temple and with Solomon when he built it. HE was with Sampson when he prayed, “GOD strengthen me again.” GOD saw Paul as he was persecuting the saints and HE shocked him on the Damascus Road. HE was with us before we entered the world, and HE is already there when we leave it. HE will be with us when we spread the GOSPEL and HE’S there to get the glory.

HE is the same GOD as HE was thousands of years ago. There is no shortage of HIS salvation, and HIS grace is unlimited. HIS ARM can reach to save from the uttermost to the gutter-most. HE can put doubt, despair, and dejection to flight. And HIS EAR is not deaf to anyone’s cry. And so, while witnessing, remember, you heard the WORD, and HE heard your cries.

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