NOW unto HIM who is able to prevent you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of HIS glory (Jude 24). A slip up into the “…Sins which so easily beset us” can lead to falling in sin, sin will lead to death. I cannot hold myself; but GOD can, so we must depend upon HIM.
GOD’S WORD created the world and HE divided night and day. HIS power holds up
the earth, stars, and planets in space… on nothing. They do not fall unless HE lets them. HE can keep us from falling too… if we want to be kept.
The act of spiritually falling is not always recognized by the individual. Our heart turns to other things or people, and we lose our sacred devotion to CHRIST. After that happens, our priorities shift. Our commitment is gone. We no longer yearn for GOD; we do things to displease GOD and submit to sin. The risk of falling into the sin we prayed to be saved from is real. However, GOD is married to the backslider; it is better to repent. HE will leave the ninety-nine for you. Do not let yourself fall.
We need the power of GOD to keep from falling. HE will help balance our feet as we move through life’s potholes and dips.
No one is above a fall. The Pharisee boasted, “GOD, thank You that I am not a sinner as that man” (Luke 18:11a). We have nothing to boast of “… we can be tempted too” (Gal. 6:1).
CHRIST removed every excuse we can make to GOD for falling. It is in every one of us by nature, to sin; but JESUS proved we can live a life pleasing to the FATHER if we want to. Yes, we have a cross to bear being Christians; but along with the cross we must bear, we have GOD’S help. Don’t fall.
GOD can present you faultless; stay committed and want HIM to keep you. Nothing or no one is worth falling into hell for.