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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

Have Faith in God!

There is a sound of abundance of rain (1 Kings 18:41). Elijah expected rain although it had not rained three years. He stood on Mount Carmel looking for a rain cloud. He knew GOD heard his prayers, he stood on what he believed, and he knew it would happen.

Sometimes we question if GOD can do what we ask. When we pray in that manner, we hinder blessings. Elijah had the nerve to expect it based upon what he could not see (Hebrews 11:1).

Waiting can be gloomy; but when we pray with faith, the latter rain will fall; or in other words, the blessing will come.

Faith is the ear for abundant rain. Faith must be wrapped around our words to arrange and present them as thoroughly composed prayers to GOD. Given that, we cannot hear the abundance of blessings without faith. Ahab and the others heard nothing- but Elijah, by faith, heard a distant sound; it was the sound of rain. His faith saw it, causing him to rejoice before the rain fell.

Faith is being grateful and excited before we see what we have prayed for. Praise must be a habit in and out of season.

“…Men must always pray…” (Luke 18:1). Elijah spent time with GOD. He had a right to expect GOD to honor his prayer requests. Then came the rain after three years. GOD is not bound to the laws of nature HE established. Baal’s followers trusted an idol and were hopelessly embarrassed. It had no power and nothing to offer them… except for dead hope.

Our prayer life should give us the boldness to look for a cloud, even at midnight. Our abundance requires prayer, faith, obedience, and patience- we have that (?). Get your rain gear ready. There is a cloud on the horizon, and I hear “the sound of the abundance of rain.” Yes, the blessings are on the way!

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1 comentario

03 oct 2021

What a word! Lord, please sharpen my hearing for the sound of the abundance of rain coming into my life, even now, Lord Jesus! Thank you, Pastor Miller!

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