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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

God Genuinely Loves You and Proved It!

BUT by the grace of GOD I am what I am: and HIS grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain…(I Cor. 15:10a). Who am I? By HIS grace, I am alive to CHRIST. I am joint heir- with CHRIST. I am chosen. I am crucified with CHRIST. I am redeemed, bought with the price of HIS Blood.

I am forgiven and dead to sin. I am a partaker of HIS righteousness. I am the righteousness of GOD. I am the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT. And I am more than a conqueror.

When GOD plans a plan, HE does it alone; HE does not need or use consultants. I am already what I will be based upon HIS purpose and plan for my life more than 4,000 years ago. I am who I am because HIS Absolute will does not change.

GOD will never change; we do. We are who we are because of sin. Who are we? Sinners. We are sinners but, we are saved by grace. We did whatever the devil told us to do. We did what we did and enjoyed what we did. We did what we did and sometimes, we forgot what we did. We did what we did because it was in our nature to do so. We did what we did because we were born in sin.

GOD formed man from the dust of the ground. “In the IMAGE of GOD, created HE him” (Gen. 1:17). Because of the wickedness of man, GOD repented (was sorry) HE made man. So, Noah, his family, and two of every animal and insect life was saved. GOD destroyed every other living creation. Yet, soon thereafter the flood, the people slid right back into sin.

We are not perfect, yet CHRIST did not save you in vain. It is by HIS grace that we are here. We are and must forever be a faithful follower. Leave all the old, ugly, and useless things in 2021. March as a bold Christian soldier into 2022 and press toward the mark of CHRIST. In HIM we become a better I am.

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