BUT you, brethren, be not weary in well doing (2 Thess. 3:13). The world expects Christians to do good. They are ignorant of a truth; as Children of GOD, we do good on purpose. It’s an act of love.
People helping other people can seem like a thankless mission. When we open a door or allow another to merge into traffic, our acts can be misconstrued as a sign of weakness. A you-should-have-done-it attitude is seen rather than showing simple gratitude.
Some Christians assume Church attendance is best way to do good. But doing good focuses on tasks that are presented to us. Keep in mind, we are not demonstrating the life of men-pleasers, but we live as servants of GOD. We serve others, doing good to please HIM. Any act of kindness is doing good.
There are things we are commanded to do, but other things that cannot be omitted. We are commanded to give tithes and offerings, and we should “…Comfort the feeble-minded, [and] support the weak…” (1 Thess. 5:14b).
To do good for others, we need empathy; that is, to see ourselves in their position. It is showing you care. It is being helpful. It is doing unto others to GOD’S glory, as you desire done unto you. It is love.
Obeying GOD’S WORD is well doing. Serving others is well doing. Obeying HIS call for your assignment, without nit-picking is well doing. From now on, stay busy good, and faithful servant in your well doing; for your labor will never be in vain. And do not grow weary well doing and quit until you are called from labor to reward; then, you can quit.