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Writer's picturePastor Ronnie Miller

Are You Hungry?!

THANK GOD for new life in CHRIST. After accepting HIM, the spiritual FOOD we need is already prepared; that is CHRIST, the BREAD of LIFE. Believing or eating watered down versions of the WORD, living a watered-down version of holiness, or living a watered-down version of a sanctified

life will lead to death and destruction. The BREAD of LIFE nourishes us and insures us of healthy spiritual lives.

The WORD of GOD will shed weights and sins that so easily beset us; but we must study it. It is the BREAD our spiritual lives require; otherwise, without it we will die. Unlike natural diets, there are no preparation packets, expensive meal plans, tasteless drinks, or points to count. We need the Word of GOD; the true and living BREAD of LIFE (John 6:35). To live with CHRIST, we must maintain this diet, run the race with patience and keep up a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

All born-again believers’ lives are hidden in CHRIST. Yet, every person that identifies themselves as a Christian is not born-again. A born-again believer confesses and repents for their sins. A born-again believer has a hunger and thirst for righteousness. A born-again believer repents daily and is forgiven. A born-again believer worships GOD in SPIRIT and TRUTH. A born-again believer is filled by HIS SPIRIT. And born-again believers feast on the BREAD of LIFE.

Salt and sugar look alike. Know those that labor among you (1 Thess. 5:12). Do not be deceived by what looks like the WORD; religious junk food is poisonous. Be careful who feeds you, careful what you eat, and be careful where you eat.

I am the BREAD of LIFE (John 6:35). Nothing can feed your spirit or feed your soul but the BREAD of LIFE. Feast daily.

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